DVDO iScan Mini™
4K Ultra HD Video Enhancement System


Scan Mini is a compact yet powerful video enhancement system that improves the picture quality of SD and full HD content. Incorporating Silicon Image’s proprietary VRS®ClearView™ technology, iScan Mini features advanced 4K adaptive scaling, internet streaming noise reduction, as well as edge and detail enhancement to deliver pristine video quality on 4K Ultra HD and full HD displays. A built-in demo mode allows side by side comparison of before and after video to showcase the power of iScan Mini, and a full set of setup tools enable professional display adjustment. iScan Mini can be used as a stand-alone device to improve any display and is the perfect mate to an existing DVDO video processor adding 4K scaling and advanced video enhancement to a iScan Duo, EDGE Green or Quick6.

DVDO iScan Mini™ 4K Ultra HD Video Enhancement System
DVDO iScan Mini™
4K Ultra HD Video Enhancement System

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4 Σχόλια

    • Καλημέρα σας, Δείχνει να είναι κάτι παρόμοιο. Δεν ξέρω όμως εαν κάνει ακριβώς την ίδια “δουλειά”.

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